Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More Youtube Scritch and Weaving

Ok so I'm officially sick as a dog.  Not sure where that expression comes from or why a dog would be really sick but whatever.  So since I'm stuck indoors (when am I not) I figured I'd work on my weaving for the day.  It's not like I can do much else on the major projects so this is the next best thing.  The idea behind the weaving is to make cloth from bits and pieces of nothing (I've gone into more detail in other posts) and right now I'm got about 5 inches done.  Weaving is a rather slow process, I usually get about 1-2 inches done in a 24 hour period.  That's only if I'm not stopping to do things like vacuuming, dusting, eating and sleeping. 
It just keeps growing,
and growing,
and growing....
I'm mostly using a stitch called Soumak (sp?) which means I'm wrapping the yarn around each warp string and it gives a knitted effect.  I've already managed to get a shoelace in there.  See if you can find it.

Since I'm pretty much sitting on my floor and weaving, I figured I'd put on some youtube videos to keep me amused.  I got bored of the "top videos" so I went digging into the youtube musical archives and found artists with under 500,000 views.  
Mat Kearney- Ships in the Night
Not a terrible song, but not my favorite today.  This sounds like it would have a short life on Z100 or something like that.  I don't see this winning awards or reaching the top five on billboards but it's an okay song to listen to.  I think the director really wanted this to be a viral video with the way it's set up and how they made an exaggerated effort to point out the number of miles and locations. 

Pure Love- Bury my Bones
I can see this being popular with the younger generation.  It's kinda generic new age punk, but I would sing along to this in the car if it came down to this or Nicki Minaj.  I rather liked the kaleidoscope effect they used in the video it's fun and on the low budget side.  It shows they take themselves seriously, but not to an over-the-top point.
Edit Sept.8:  I love this song.  I'm constantly playing it when I pull up youtube. 

Zulu Winter- We Should Be Swimming
My indie pick.  This has a really great sound to it, that I happen to enjoy.  I doubt it will ever make the charts or mainstream radio, but if you're looking for something to impress your hipster girlfriend with, turn this song on.  The video is fairly simple if out there.  2 dancers in shredded costumes and the lead singer standing in a moor or Nordic shoreline of some sort.  Basic and simple.  Add in the blue color filter for the entire video and the hipsters will wet themselves in joy.  Ironically of course.

I guess for the time being I'm gonna log off and find some Oranges, or something containing huge amounts of vitamin C to try to beat this cold.

See Ya'll Later.

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