Well I've been having fun this week. Had quite a few hours from various jobs. There's the temp. agency, the store and my art. Yes I include my art as a job, or more like a career. Still working on the new caplet, and trying to finish a lino-cut of a lily. I really want that finished so that I can start making prints. But I lost my reference image so it's been slow going. I've also been cleaning my room. Yeah thrilling. It's been a mess and I really need to get a few things, like shelves and bookends. I have a whole lot of books from school, my compulsive book shopping when I hang out with 'Chele, and the many many books I've been finding in the basement. I found some great books on Medieval and Renaissance history, classic literature and poetry. There's also this bound collection of "Buck Rodgers of the 24th Century" comic strips. It's a coffee table book. I need some amazingly sturdy shelves and heavy bookends since a few of them are like coffee table books, so they're odd formats, huge and heavy. Along with shelves I found this great tutorial online about
how to take glass jars, mount them to a plaque and voila you have jar storage on the wall! That would free up so much shelf space and allow me to condense further. Especially since I may be coming into more weaving supplies. Yeah so I got a call from this lady I met about 3 years ago in a
knitting store, and she's looking to give away some weaving supplies so I said I'd go to her place pick it up. Woot. Last time I picked up supplies was at a flea market, it was a big box of buttons. The buttons stink to high heaven. They smell like mothballs, old lady, and some foul smelling waste or something... maybe old urine? I really don't want to think about it. I had the whole lot of buttons soaking in a 2:1 mix of disinfectant alcohol and water, and let it sit for a few days. Now I'm rinsing them and scrubbing them with anti-bacterial soap individually. Some of the buttons have depressions/patterns/ridges so I have to scrub with a toothbrush to insure the safety/health of myself and anybody else who comes into contact with my pieces. Any fabric covered buttons are just being tossed. I have no time or patience to deal with trying to salvage the fabric after all the crap I found. The water that came out of that bath, was literally brown. And not in a translucent way, it was solid, like trying to look through milk. Oh, wow that was a bad comparison, now I'll never drink milk without thinking about that foul stench. Eww.
Well on a far more pleasant and sweeter note, Marina (on the left: that's the "what did you put in my fro-yo" look. Much better than Blue Steel) was in town, and we got Fro-yo. For those of you who are like me, "fro-yo" stands for "frozen yogurt". 'Chele got me into saying that phrase, of course she had to explain it to me first. Side note: for those of you who don't know me (or do) I'm "adorably out of the loop". Seriously that's how I've been described. I just
recently got rid of the VHS player, and my TV is seriously from 1996. Just to give you an idea of how behind in technology and slang I am. Anyway, Marina and I went to a local fro-yo place. It's a self-serve-pay-by-the-ounce kind of place and every week they get different flavors. One time they had Pomegranate Sherbert and I combined that with chocolate and cookie dough bits on top and it was an orgasm in my mouth. Seriously. Anyway today was strawberry and chocolate, with cookie dough, brownie batter, and fresh strawberry bits (on the right)! We just chilled for a little bit, caught up on the latest gossip and chit chat. All that fun stuff.
I've had this great idea for a lamp. My sister and brother-in-law got this huge bottle of wine (at left) as a wedding gift. It's like two times the size of a normal bottle of wine and deep blue. So I want to turn this into a swag lamp that I can hang over my bed. I want to put a whole ton of bright little LED lights so that it looks like little stars pouring out of the bottle. That might require a specialty drill bit though, so I'm going to wait on it. I would like to get it done so that I can maybe hang it over my little garden (on the right).
So I have this interesting little story about my jade plant. One of the leaves fell off, and for anybody who's not familiar with a Jade Plant (on the left), they have these spoon shaped, thick, fleshy, water filled leaves that don't really fall off all that often. So in the past, the leaves that have fallen off have dried up completely.
Well, a leaf fell off back in like... October? Yea I think it was October or November, anyway, I set it on the window sill to dry out and left it for a few months. Well, 2 weeks ago, I checked on it, and lo and behold it started sprouting new leaves. Go figure right? This plant is so freaking resilient, I did not anticipate this. Sometimes succulent plants need a cutting in order to propagate, like a stem and several
leaves at least. I never thought this would work. So obviously I had to pot it otherwise I risk it dieing (on the right, the new little leaves are coming out of the stem side of the older leaf). My Hobbits Pipe did this too. One of the leaves fell off, so I potted it. It has yet to really grow. It's taken root but that's about it. That was half a year ago. Jade Plants are pretty fast growers. but now I've got too many plants. Once this one takes root, would anyone like to adopt it? Otherwise I'll try to foist it off on my sister hehe.
So to leave off on a random note, I was working with my fabric glue last night, and this happened (on the left). It's a glue BUBBLE. It even dried out in the bubble shape! I could not fathom the awesomeness of this, and so had to take a photo.
Well I think that's all for now.
More interesting things to come!
See Ya'll Later!
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