Monday, April 22, 2013

What does a Whale, a Top Hat and a Dwarf have in Common?

Nothing.  Absolutely Nothing.

O man guys the Whale has been worked on.  There's a competition I want to enter work into, but I need to have the piece finished.
Not the best picture but it works.  I've put everything else on hold in order to finish this.  in the meantime there's been other projects.  I made a cardboard and paper mache top hat. 

It looks ridiculous.  I made it with the intent of wearing it, and felt too self conscious to walk around with it on my head.  And then there's this: 
This hangs on my wall and holds my convention badges.  I used an AC Moore wooden plaque which I painted and fastened the antler and cabinet knob to it.  These little projects keep me busy when I need a break from larger projects.  
If I weren't so busy with my full time job and working on the whale, I'd make a few more tutorials. 
Guys I've got over 1000 views.  I'm really glad that people seem to like the Horns tutorial.  Especially Germany.  You Germans rock.  So because people rock, here's a Tiny Pocket Ori animation via Tumbler.  I didn't think it was possible to make the Dwarves from The Hobbit adorable, but Tumbler you have proven me wrong.  Bask in the cuteness!  Bask I say!!

See Ya'll Later